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Pre-Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch !

16 Nov


On Wednesday, November 21st, our class would like to hold a pre-Thanksgiving lunch. We are looking for chicken, macaroni and rice dishes. Desserts are always welcome. If you are able and interested in donating a dish for our class to enjoy please let us know in the comment section below.

Read the comments below to see what other parents are bringing. 🙂


12 Nov

Students, I have signed our class up for a free trial over at IXL.COM. Every student has their own username and password to log on. 

USERNAME: firstnamelastname508

(example: jeffreyjacob508) **NO SPACES


  1. drop80
  2. 64over
  3. 4try
  4. now21
  5. music32
  6. 15board
  7. oil91
  8.  68paper
  9. 25rope
  10. 49thank
  11. moon75
  12. summer32
  13.  feet96
  14. 48water
  15.  hope73
  16. bird11
  17. paper48
  18. 1map
  19. 25walk
  20. 27hold
  21. 1simple
  22. 46agree
  23. EMPTY
  24. 2yard
  25. 94dance
  26.  72thank

Senior Trip to Washington D.C. May 1st – 3rd

9 Nov

Payment Schedule:

November 16 $50.00 deposit due

January 25 $50 Second Payment due

February 28 $50 Third Payment due

April 12 $50 Final Payment due

Payments must be made by check or money order payable to the school. Write 5th grade trip on the memo line.

Our Very Own Nia is running for School Secretary!

9 Nov

Help her think of slogans for her campaign.

Leave your suggestions in the comment box below.

Example: Shine Bright Like a Star Light, Vote for Nia ____.

Student Elections !

6 Nov

Just like Grace from the book, Grace for President, you too have a chance to become President! This Friday is our Election Town Hall. If you would like to run for student counsel submit your application and begin to prepare your speech!

You will present your speech in front of your constituents on Friday, November 16th.


And the Next President is …

6 Nov


Leave a comment below.



Create a presentation or write an article about this year’s Presidential Election.

Be sure to include:

  1. Who won? Who won the electoral votes from New York State?
  2. How many electoral votes did the winner receive in total?
  3. Explain your opinion on the election.
  4. What do you think about the policies presented by each Presidential candidate?
  5. How does having this candidate as President affect your life as a student?
  6. In your opinion, did the best candidate win? Why or Why not?

Want to Submit an article or story to The Daily Blog?

31 Oct

If you would like to submit a full article or story that you have written  to The Daily Blog use the form below to send it me.

Be sure that your story, article is in essay format, using correct grammar and punctuation and  is properly edited.

**Topics should be about something that interest you. 


31 Oct

Sandy Closed School for a Week!


FOR EXTRA CREDIT, write an article or prepare a presentation about Hurricane Sandy and her effects on the East Coast,  New York City and your family. Be sure to include the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY and HOW. If you can, include pictures of your neighborhood and community. For Bonus money, be creative! The more creative you are,  the more $$ you can earn.


28 Oct

How much do YOU know about Hurricane Sandy?

Leave a comment to share what you know.

Then, tell us how your family is preparing for the storm.


28 Oct

 Wondering how you can help? Well, check out our list of classroom supplies.  

  1. Pencils & Erasable Pens
  2. Clorox Wipes/ Tissues / Paper Towel
  3. Colored Copy Paper
  4. Sheet Protectors
  5. Books !